Navigate Their Teen

It’s a question that keeps many parents up at night—how do you raise safe, healthy middle collegeers in the age of cell phones and social media?

People who are in their 30s or older probably remember how their parents and teachers probably wa

Recent studies of cents reveal what teenagers need most from their parents during four phases of teens’ intellectual, emotional and social development.

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Each week we send a customized newsletter to our parent and teen subscribers. Parents can customize their settings to receive recommendations and parent tips based on

It is important to know, most of the secular artists we see today used to be products of the gospel band group in their respective geographical locations.

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FEATURES Student affairs staff navigate helicopter parenting. It’s now simply a given among student affairs professionals that parents will be involved in their

Helping s Navigate Their Teenage Years When Parents Need Help First. Parents can do much to help their teenage sons or teens through a variety of difficult

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Oct 07, 2014 · Teen stress is at a fever pitch, with the demands of college, sports and even leisure activities leaving them frazzled. Here’s how parents can help.

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Nov 13, 2013 · What kind of parent are you? Are you a micro-manager, a sort of helicopter parent, keeping close tabs on your ‘s every move, hovering to ensure his de

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Can you navigate through the different challenges and avoid making risky decisions? Put your swiping skills to the test in our new game!

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